Just posting the best girls. For reasons.

The youma of the week is after the break.

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Kuda-kitsune: Also commonly called a kanko, it is a small fox often favored as familiars by magic users. The exact type of kanko in ISUCA is the type so named because its tail resembles that of a half-pipe. It lives inside the sleeves or pockets of it’s owner. Suseri uses her familiar for battle rather than the kanko’s traditional task of information gathering.

Nurikabe: A typical nurikabe takes the form of a sentient wall (typically a paper screen) that moves about in order to disorientate travelers. However, the nurikabe in ISUCA is able to draw people within itself, which is an ability not previously attributed to a nurikabe. One can only conclude that the influence of Western magic explains this new ability, that or the people who butchered the Manga in this adaptation have no idea what they’re doing.

Jorougumo: Depending on how you write Jorougumo in kanji, it can either be read as binding bride or whore spider. Given the context of this youkai’s appearance this episode, either is appropriate. A traditional jorougumo is a female anthropomorphic spider that behaves like a normal spider would, trapping, binding and eventually consuming her prey. In the majority of the tales, however, the jorougumo lives underwater and lays her webs along the shore in order to snare unsuspecting people and drag them underwater.